Mavis Maclean

Mavis Maclean CBE has carried out Socio Legal research in Oxford since 1974, and was a founding director of OXFLAP in 2001. She has acted as the Academic Adviser to the Lord Chancellor’s Department, and served as a panel member on the Bristol Royal Infirmary Inquiry between 1998 and 2001, a major public inquiry into the National Health Service. She is a Senior Research Fellow of St Hilda's College and a Research Associate at DSPI. In 1993 she was elected President of the Research Committee for the Sociology of Law of the International Sociological Association, in 2000 a Trustee of the Law and Society Association, in 2002 a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and in 2012 of the Academy of Social Sciences . She was awarded the first SLSA Annual Prize for Contribution to the Socio Legal Community in 2012. In 2013 she was made an Honorary Bencher of Middle Temple. She has served on a number of grant making committees, notably the Children and Family Justice Committee, Nuffield Foundation, the Research Liaison Group for Children’s Services, Department of Health, and the Joseph Rowntree Foundation Social Policy Committee. She was a member of the Lord Chancellor’s Legal Aid Advisory Committee 1992-4, and is a Fellow of the International Institute for the Sociology of Law, Onati, Spain. She chairs the TCRU Advisory Committee at the Institute of Education, and is a member of the Management Committee of the Centre for Family Research, Cambridge. She is joint editor of the Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, and a member of the editorial boards of the International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family and the International Journal of Law in Context. Her research interests are Family Law and Family Policy, particularly from a comparative perspective.
Recent work includes an Onati Workshop on Digital Family Justice in 2018, followed by the book edited by Maclean with Diksterhuis and Treloar in 2019, describing the failure of mediation and the rapid ongoing digitalisation of access to family justice in countries from Turkey to Canada. Following the Legal Aid Punishment and Sentencing of Offenders Act 2012 Maclean with Eekelaar carried out a study of the response to new needs for legal support from government, the professions and the voluntary sector. Maclean subsequently contributed to the Post Implementation Review of the Act and the Legal Support initiative, see also “After the Act” Maclean and Eekelaar, Oxford, Hart Bloomsbury paperback 2020. The latest publication in the Onati series “What is a family court for?” which assesses the role and purpose of the court in a number of jurisdictions, is forthcoming from Hart Bloomsbury.
Current work focusses on the relationship between welfare and justice in the family justice system, with respect to the welfare and protection of those without legal capacity due to age or mental incapacity. An Onati Workshop is planned for 2022.
Books include:
Digital Family Justice ed Maclean with Bregje Dijksterhuis, Oxford, Hart Bloomsbury 2019
After the Act: access to family justice after LASPO, Maclean with John Eekelaar, Oxford, Hart Bloomsbury, 209, paperback 2020
Lawyers and Mediators: the Brave New World of Services for Separating Families, Maclean with Eekelaar, Oxford Hart Bloomsbury paperback 2018
Delivering Family Justice in Late Modern Society, Maclean ed with John Eekelaar Hart Bloomsbury, Oxford, 2015
Managing Family Justice in Diverse Societies Maclean ed with Eekelaar Oxford Hart Bloomsbury 2015
Delivering Family Justice in the 21st Century Maclean ed with Eekelaar and B Bastard, Oxford Hart Bloomsbury 2015
Family Justice; The Work of Family Judges in Uncertain Times Eekelaar and Maclean Oxford Hart Bloomsbury 2013
Family Law Advocacy Maclean and Eekelaar Oxford Hart 2011
Making Family Law: A socio legal account of legislative process in England and Wales 1985-2010 Maclean and Kurczewski Hart Oxford 2011
Parenting after Partnering Maclean ed Oxford Hart 2005
Family Law and Family Values ed Maclean Oxford Hart 2005
Family Lawyers: the divorce work of solicitors Eekelaar Maclean and Beinart S Oxford, Hart, 2000
Making Law for Families ed Maclean Hart, Oxford 2000
The Parental Obligation Maclean and Eekelaar Oxford Hart 1997
Family Law and Family Policy in the New Europe ed Kurczewski J and Maclean M Dartmouth, 1996
Families Politics and the Law ed Maclean and Kurczewski OUP Oxford 1994
Surviving Divorce Maclean Basingstoke Macmillan 1991
Maintenance after Divorce Eekelaar and Maclean OUP Oxford 1984
Methodological issues in Social Surveys Maclean and Genn London Macmillan 1979
Mavis Maclean and John Eekelaar eds. (2019) After the Act: Access to Family Justice after LASPO (Hart/Bloomsbury)
Maclean, Mavis ed. (2017) Delivering Family Justice in Late Modern Society in the wake of Legal Aid Reform (Routledge, Abingdon)
Maclean, Mavis (2017) Semantics or Sustainability: Socio legal Research in Family Law, or Sociology of Law and Family Justice in Journal of Law and Society Vol 44 Special Supplement October 2017 S61
Main Currents of Contemporary Sociology of Law
Maclean, Mavis and Eekelaar, John (2016) Lawyers and Mediators: the Brave New World of services for Separating Families. Oxford: Hart
Maclean,Mavis (2016) "The place of the child in mediation: vulnerable or paramount third party", Mediation Theory and Practice 1: 1
edited Mavis Maclean (2016)Delivering Family Justice in Late Modern Society in the wake of Legal Aid Reform. London: Routledge
ed Maclean,Mavis, Eekelaar John, Bastard Benoit (2015)Delivering Family Justice in the 21st Century. Hart,Oxford
Maclean, Mavis (2014) "The Changing Professional Landscape", Farming Law 44 177-183
Maclean, Mavis and Eekelaar John (2013)Managing Family Justice in Diverse Societies. Oxford: Hart Publishing
Eekelaar, John & Maclean, Mavis (2013) Family Justice: the work of family judges in uncertain times. Oxford: Hart Publishing
Maclean, Mavis & Kurczewski, Jacek (2011)Making Family Law. A Socio Legal Account of Legislative Process in England and Wales, 1985 to 2010. Oxford: Hart Publishing
Buss, Emily and Maclean, Mavis (2010)The Law and Child Development. Ashgate:
Maclean, Mavis (2010) "Edited a Special Issue: Mediation: the Questions", Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law 32: 2
Maclean, Mavis and Eekelaar, John, (2010)Family Law Advocacy. How Barristers Help the Victims of Family Failure.. Oxford.: Hart
Maclean, Mavis and Eekelaar, John (2009)Family Advocacy: How barristers help victims of family failure.. Oxford: Hart
Fehlberg, Belinda and Maclean, Mavis (2009) "Child Support Policy in Australia and England: Changing Policy But A Similar Tough Deal For Children?", International Journal of Law, Family and Policy 23: 1 1-24
Maclean, Mavis and Eekelaar, John (2009) "'Legal representation and parental autonomy: the work of the English Family Bar in contact cases", Sclater, Shelley., Ebtehaj, Fatemeh, Jackson, Emily and Richards, Martined.,Regulating Autonomy: Sex, Reproduction and Family. Oxford: Hart
Maclean, Mavis (2009) "The many advantages and disadvantages of a no blame culture regarding medical errors", Hurwitz, Brian and Sheikh, Aziz ed.,Health Care Errors and Patient Safety. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell