Kathleen Murphy is a Co-Investigator and Project Manager at Malezi Bora na Maisha Mazuri: “Good Parenting for a Good Life”. She is also a doctoral student in the Department of Social Policy and Intervention at the University of Oxford. With a focus on implementation science, her research is centered on enhancing the engagement of male caregivers in parenting programmes for low-income families; particularly for parents in street situations. Specifically, she is working in close collaboration with Beruham Organisation, Moi University, the University of Toronto, and the Consortium for Street Children, to refine the Malezi Bora na Maisha Mazuri programme for the inclusion of fathers, to reduce violence against children and violence against women among street-connected families in Kenya.
Kathleen has nearly a decade of experience in project management and analyst roles in academic and policy institutions. At the University of Toronto, she led the participatory adaptation and mixed-methods evaluation of the Parenting for Lifelong Health programme with and for street-connected mothers in Kenya; work that she continues to expand upon with community partners. She has since worked at Dalhousie University, coordinating the development of a regional network for facilitating community-driven Indigenous health research in Atlantic Canada, and managing an international longitudinal study on the biopsychosocial-ecological resilience of youth living in oil and gas-producing communities in Canada and South Africa. Kathleen also has experience in municipal and global policy spaces, including an internship at Toronto Public Health, and at the Permanent Mission of Canada to the United Nations in Geneva where she was responsible for the health, labour, and governance portfolios.
“From analog to digital”: The feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary outcomes of a positive parenting program for street-connected mothers in Kenya