Dr Elizabeth Peretz

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Elizabeth Peretz is currently working on aspects of the history of Barnett House, especially in the period 1913 - 1964.

She holds a PhD in History from Middlesex University and has recently retired from a joint local government and primary care post as head of a small unit working to combine budgets and services for people with mental health problems, learning difficulties and older people at a local level.


Previous research: maternal and child welfare services in the interwar period, oral history, and early learning.

Current interests:
Social work:

  • A new program for individualised budgets (self directed support) in local social services.
  • Pooled budgets and joint 'case management' for people with chronic illnesses in the community. 


  • The role social surveys played in developing citizenship
  • The perceived role of the volunteer in democratic processes
  • The developing relationship between voluntary organisations and state (national and local) services especially in health and in social care
  • The growing relations between the Universities and government committees during 1913-1964.

In parallel she is currently examining the history of social work and the Settlement movement, and with Teresa and George Smith will be contacting ex Barnett House students and members of the Barnett House club for their memories as part of the Barnett House Centenary in 2014.

Elizabeth Peretz's key areas of research focus are

The History of Barnett House, especially in the period 1913 - 1964

  • Maternal and child welfare in England and Wales between the wars: A comparative regional study. Peretz, Elizabeth (1992). Doctoral thesis: Middlesex University View Online