Aniela Bankowicz

Aniela Bankowicz has long blonde hair and is wearing a gradualtion gown.
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Aniela Bankowicz is an MSc student in Evidence-Based Social Intervention and Policy Evaluation and a Research Assistant at the Centre of Migration Research at the University of Warsaw. Her research interests are related to migrant integration in the EU, with a particular emphasis on policy evaluation, social and economic equality, and the role of host societies in shaping integration outcomes.

Before beginning her postgraduate studies, she gained experience at the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights and the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, where she worked on data analysis, policy research, and communication. She has also contributed to survey development and research dissemination, with a strong emphasis on evidence-based policymaking.

Aniela holds a First-Class undergraduate degree in Politics and Quantitative Methods from the University of Glasgow, where she specialised in human rights, migration and refugee studies, and advanced research methods.


You can follow Aniela on linkedIn.