Dr Tim Vlandas

Dr Tim Vlandas is an Associate Professor of Comparative Social Policy in the Department of Social Policy and Intervention, a Fellow of St Antony’s College and an associate member of Nuffield College. He has held visiting positions at Harvard University, the London School of Economics and Political Science, Sciences Po Paris, and the University of Konstanz.
Tim has been awarded prizes by the American Political Science Association, the European Network for Social Policy Analysis and the London School of Economics, while he has been nominated for the SAGE prize for Innovation and Excellence. His research has appeared in over 50 publications in leading international academic journals in Political Sciences, Social Policy, and Political Economy. It has been cited by prominent national and international organisations such as the OECD, the ILO, the UN, the World Bank, the European Commission, the European Parliament, the European Central Bank, the Norwegian ministry of employment, and the UK House of Commons, as well as media outlets such as the New York Times, the Economist, the Guardian, Financial Times, El Pais, Die Zeit, CNN, and the Telegraph.
Using a comparative political economy approach, Tim's research explores the political and economic determinants and consequences of social and economic policies in Europe.
His research has appeared in over 50 publications in leading international academic journals, including British Journal of Political Science, Comparative Political Studies, European Journal of Political Research, Journal of Common Market Studies, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Journal of European Social Policy, Perspective on Politics, PLOS ONE, PNAS Nexus, Political Science Research and Methods, Politics&Society, Scientific Reports (Nature Portfolio), Social Policy and Administration, Socio-Economic Review, West European Politics, and Work, Employment and Society.
He has recently published a book with Oxford University Press, entitled Foreign States in Domestic Markets, and is currently working on his next monograph on ageing and the economy, also under contract with Oxford University Press and funded by the British Academy mid-career fellowship.
Tim Vlandas does not currently accept any new Dphil applications.
For more information about Tim’s background and research, please visit his website, his research gate page and his google citations page.